Category: Blog
BackNew Online Fellowship and Prayer Meeting
Join Us for a Special FCFI Fellowship and Prayer Meeting! We are excited to invite you to our upcoming Zoom fellowship and prayer meeting on the first Saturday of every month. Each month we will have a speaker representing a different aspect of the Fellowship of Christian Farmers. Then we will take some time to […]
The Pastor’s Piece – May 30, 2021
“Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? Yet not one of them is forgotten by God,” (Luke 12:7). The other day a gust of wind ruffled the trees in our yard and when I went outside later, I saw a bird nest and five baby sparrows lying on the ground. They were naked little sparrows but I could see that they had just started getting feathers on the tips of their wings.
The Pastor’s Piece – May 23, 2021
Today’s column is meant for parents and grandparents. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them.” We have a job to do.
The Pastor’s Piece – May 16, 2021
The first job I ever had paid $2.50 a month. I was eight years old at the time. My job was to shake the straw bedding for our 42 cows in the dairy barn. My younger brother helped me. We’d climb up into the hay mow, throw down the bales we needed then “roll” them to the place where we’d cut the twines and shake the straw. It was a big job for a couple of little kids after school everyday.
The Pastor’s Piece – May 9, 2021
Last weekend, my wife and I visited our daughter and son-in-law in Nashville, Tennessee. They’ve lived there now for over two years. Last year they bought a house on a quiet street in a nice neighborhood. A couple times a week, several of the neighbors will bring their lawn chairs and gather in their driveway and sip ice tea and share everyday stories of their lives. It’s a curious thing – kind of like Mayberry in a way, only not so much.
South Dakota FFA Convention
South Dakota ran a live convention this year on April 12, 2021 at the state fairgrounds in Rapid City, South Dakota. It may be spring, but not so much in the Black Hills. Temps hovered in the 30s with strong winds and light snow. But the weather didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the Future Farmers of America or the Fellowship of Christian Farmers. Jerry Druhan here. I have been writing these eNewsletters since 2012, when Executiver Director Dennis Schlagel hired me on the spot the first time I came into the Fellowship office.
The Pastor’s Piece – May 2, 2021
Happy Mother’s Day everyone! In honor of our mothers, today’s column is about children. The old adage says that children are to be seen and not heard. Really? Show me a child not making noise, and I’ll show you a child who isn’t feeling well. I’ll take a rambunctious, happy child any day of the week – including Sunday.
The Pastor’s Piece – April 22, 2021
Escalators never break down. When they quit, they become stairs.
Not long ago, I was traveling in a strange town when I had a flat tire. I knew it was flat because the low tire light was flashing on the dash – then it started beeping at me. I breathed a prayer asking God for help and limped into a gas station where I aired it up. I couldn’t hear any hissing noise so I decided to travel on.