Category: Profit Magazine

May 3, 2024

Profit Magazine – Spring 2024

Profit Magazine

May 3, 2023

Profit Magazine 2023

Happy spring! I say that with the optimism of knowing that spring follows
winter every year! I recently returned from a mission trip to Romania. The hint
of spring was popping up all around us over there, trees starting to bud, a few
flowers peeking out, the stork even returned from her winter vacation back to
her nest in the village where we were staying. But……

Apr 20, 2022

Profit Magazine – April 2022

I know many of you like being in the middle of God’s work and one of FCFI’s main
missions is to give ordinary farmers, like me and you, the opportunity to jump in
and use our abilities to further God’s Kingdom. Let me share a story: As a young
farm kid in the late 1960’s I developed an interest in the country called Romania.
It was a communist run country at that time but God gave me a keen interest in
learning all I could about it.

Apr 28, 2021

Profit Magazine – Volume 1, 2021

Sowing, Serving, Reaping for Christ around the world embodies the mission of The Fellowship of Christian Farmers International (FCFI). The three pronged ministry of FCFI, evangelism, disaster relief, and short term mission trips, enables us to show the love of Christ through a wide range of settings. All this is made possible through God’s grace and mercy and the volunteers that serve as the hands and feet of Jesus. FCFI is truly blessed to have a strong core of volunteers that give sacrificially of their time, talents, and finances to support the mission of FCFI. The FCFI Board of Directors offers our heartfelt thanks to our staff and all the volunteers that convey the message of Acts 16:31 “Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved-you and your household.”

Aug 1, 2020

The Pastor’s Piece – August 2, 2020

Next week I will write about the Conference in Shipshewana.


“Life and Death”


We’ve been doing a study on Sunday mornings about how to overcome evil with good.  “When the days get darker,” God says, “here is what you must do: Overcome evil with good!”  How do we overcome evil with good?  Well, I’ll give you some examples – but I warn you, they’re not easy.

Apr 6, 2020

Profit Magazine Volume 1 2020

As I write this, our world as we know it seems to be changed for the near
future. The news stories are all about COVID-19. If it isn’t the latest number
of infections, it’s news of stores running out of sanitizing and health items.
There have been all kinds of information with varying degrees of accuracy
in the media and seemingly much panic across the country.

Jun 25, 2019

Profit Magazine Volume 1 2019

Apr 27, 2018

Profit Magazine Volume 1 2018

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