Rev. Mitch and Sue Santelli
Our goals to bring Christ into as many lives possible have met roadblocks recently, with many events not allowing our ministry to participate. This shouldn’t come to us as a surprise. This world operates without the love of God. Therefore, our motive to pray and let God’s will move is an ambition for all disciples of Christ. Prayer seeks to allow God’s will to empower us and let’s God Spirit activate with us an overcomers mentality. Jesus constantly removed Himself from others to seek His Father’s will. This example from our Master gives us incentive and wisdom to handle what is ahead.
In New England, there are many challenges that we face at the events, and we’re constantly on our knees within the midst of our events, to talk with people. These events are filled with people who constantly just walk by our tents. Though, here’s the thing, when we pray for these people walking by, a lot of the time people who have passed us eventually come in to see what the “sticks” are all about.
Certainly this is an answer to prayer. Word of advice, be patient and let the power of PRAYER move the Holy Spirit to motivate people’s spirits with interest. In our idle time, pray. As we approach the throne of grace, let thanksgiving (1 Thes. 5:18) be the catalyst to do God’s will.
His peace will sanctify (to make productive holiness) in us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.