The Pastor’s Piece, Pastor Kevin Cernek – Chaplain

November 16, 2024

November 17, 2024
There was a new preacher in town in need of a lawn mower. Someone in his congregation
heard about it and brought him over one that was well used. When it came time to cut the grass,
the preacher got the mower out and attempted to get it started. When he was unable to do so,
he got on the phone and called the guy who gave it to him and explained his dilemma. “Oh,” the
guy said, “I forgot to tell you that if you can’t get it going right away you have to cuss at it while
you’re pulling on the rope.” The preacher didn’t know what to think. After a short pause he said,
“It’s been a long time since I’ve been in the habit of cussing. I don’t know if I remember how.”
The other guy responded, “You just start pulling on that there rope, it’ll come back to you.”
The human mind is an amazing thing. It observes, analyzes and holds so much information. The
problem is that it only doles that information out in tiny portions. Sometimes when I get home
from someplace, my wife will ask me if I have any news. My usual answer is no. But then a
couple of hours later, (or a couple of days) something will come up in our conversation and
suddenly I will remember an important bit of information that I had picked up earlier and
Speaking of the human mind– everybody’s perspective is different. Two people can see, hear,
and experience the exact same thing and walk away with two totally different points of view.
That’s why the Bible says that it takes two or more witnesses to agree in order for their
testimony to hold up in court. Every experience is interpreted by one’s attitude, outlook,
expectations, and previous experiences in life.
They say no two snowflakes are the same, just like no two personalities are the same. Some
are similar, but not the same. That makes for some interesting relationships. They say opposites
attract. Someone who is quiet and reserved may be attracted to someone who is very outgoing
and boisterous. A person’s own self-perceived deficiencies are many times balanced in the
strengths of their spouse.
They say the mind is a terrible thing to waste. I had an uncle who considered himself a very
clever fellow, who had a sign hanging in his kitchen that read: “Caution: Make sure brain is
engaged before putting mouth in gear.” They say we only use 10% of our brains (some even
less- or so it seems). What does the other 90% of our brains do? How can this even be
measured? They also say that right-handed people use the left side of their brain while
left-handed people use the right side, therefore making left-handers the only ones who are in
their right mind. How do they know these things? And who are “they?” Is there a group of people
somewhere who have given themselves the title “They” who come up with all these “facts” that
cannot ever be proved or disproved?
Anyone who has any age on them at all knows what it’s like to forget the simplest things of life.
For instance, sometimes trying to remember someone’s name can become an insurmountable
task. You can picture them in your mind; you know where they live and what they look like. You
know what kind of vehicle they drive. The name is right on the tip of your tongue, but your brain
just won’t release it. That is, until about two weeks later, when you wake up in the middle of the
night and suddenly their name comes to mind. But by then, you’ve forgotten why you were
trying to remember them in the first place. Our minds are simple and complex all at the same
Dreams are also an interesting element of life. They confuse people. Everyone is always looking
for some kind of meaning or message in their dreams. Back in Bible times God used dreams to
communicate to people to make sure they took action in the way He wanted them to. Many of
the patriarchs of the Old Testament had encounters with God through dreams. Today, God’s
most common means of communication is through His written Word, the Bible. Everything we
need to know about God and life and death can be found in the Bible. He gives us direction,
guidance, wisdom, answers– everything we need– right on the pages of the Scriptures. Jesus
told His disciples that when He left this earth He was sending the Holy Spirit to comfort us, and
convict us of sin and to guide us into all truth. God has given us His written Word so we can
know Him and understand what He expects of us.
“For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates
even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the
heart,” (Hebrews 4:12).
(Kevin Cernek is Lead Pastor of Martintown Community Church in Martintown, Wisconsin)