The Pastor’s Piece
Greetings From Pastor Kevin
The man who invented velcro has died. RIP.

A cowboy from Texas walked into a bank in New York City and asked for the loan officer. He told the loan officer that he was going home to Texas for two weeks and needed to borrow $5,000 and that he was not a depositor of the bank.
The bank officer told him that the bank would need some form of security for the loan, so the cowboy handed over the keys to a brand new, fully loaded Ford F-250 King Ranch. The truck was parked on the street in front of the bank. The old cowboy produced the title and everything checked out. The loan officer agreed to hold his truck as collateral for the loan and apologized for having to charge 12% interest. An employee of the bank then drove the truck into the bank’s underground garage and parked it.
Later, the bank’s president and its officers all enjoyed a good laugh at the old cowboy from the South for using an $85,000 pickup truck as collateral for a $5,000 loan.
Two weeks later, the cowboy returned, repaid the $5,000 with interest, and took the keys to his truck. The loan officer said, “Sir, we are very happy to have had your business, and this transaction has worked out very nicely, but we are a little puzzled. While you were away, we checked you out and found that you are a Distinguished Alumnus from Texas A&M, a highly-sophisticated investor and a multi-millionaire with real estate and financial interests all over the world. What puzzles us is why would you bother to borrow $5,000?”
The good ‘ole Texan replied, “Where else in New York City can I park my truck for two weeks for only $23.07 and expect it to be there when I return?”

Announcements …
We are in the middle of the Baby Bottle Campaign to raise funds for the CareNet Green County Pregnancy Center. Please take a bottle home and fill it with loose change or bills and return to MCC. Your entire donation goes directly to the Pregnancy Center. Thank you very much!
VBS – VBS is June 19-22. The details are covered and we are ready to launch! If you have questions contact Becky Lehman – (608), or Pastor Kevin – (608) 558-0974 If you need a ride please text or email Pastor Kevin (don’t just tell him).
If you are interested in joining MCC in membership, please contact Pastor Kevin (same method as above). We will be offering a class soon.
Last summer we offered a summer Bible reading program for you to follow if you desired. Well, the Summer Bible Reading Challenge kicks off again on June 1. If anybody would like to join in, all the info and printable reading list (& info for app reading plans) are available below. Over the summer the BRC is 4 chapters a day, with Sundays off. You read through the entire New Testament. It’s a great way to invite friends to join and read together. It’s a blessing and you’ll be surprised how many friends want to jump in! (info on how BRC works) (Printable reading plan).
Praises and Prayer …
Pat and Byron Baker are praising the Lord for an amazing surprise from the doctor yesterday. (Byron fell off a ladder several weeks ago and injured his arm and elbow badly and has surgery and has been recovering ever since). Byron was able to take his elbow brace off, only to wear it when he is doing work. Also, no physical therapy – it went from weeks to nothing. He will need to do some exercises and not start home until the arm is strong enough. We are so thankful and thank you for your prayers.
Kara Sword and her unborn baby are doing well after a scare this week. Thank you for praying for her and the baby and Ross and their girls.
Roger Kloepping is having knee replacement surgery today in Rockford. Please keep him and Vicki in your prayers.
Jami Spencer has been dealing with some health issues and had surgery on Monday. She is recovering at home now. Please keep her and Jeremy in your prayers during this time.
Please pray for Randy Kint as they work out a cancer treatment schedule for him at UW Hospital.
Please pray for Hannah Visel who broke a rib yesterday, putting her Montana internship for next month in jeopardy. We are asking for quick healing and less pain.
Dan Haldiman had an emergency appendectomy this morning and is recovering now. He is expected to be discharged this afternoon, just in time for Dylan’s graduation party on Saturday. Please keep him in your prayers.
In our Bible studies coming up …
Job quip: The Lord has asked Job about 59 questions so far that are all intended to show Job that God knows what He’s doing. And the questions that God wants to ask Job now, have to do with whether or not Job has seen how foolish he’s been to question God’s goodness and justice.
Sunday School: A special blessing is planned for adult Sunday school this week.
Sermon quip: This might be a time when you would assume that maybe they would start thinking about whether or not it was worth it and contemplating whether this whole idea of missions couldn’t be done in some other simpler way with less pain, but that is not the case. David Livingston, the famous Christian missionary, said one time, “I am prepared to go anywhere, as long as it is forward.”
Have a great day in the Lord!
To God be the glory!
Pastor Kevin
“The Lord their God will save His people on that day as a shepherd saves his flock.They will sparkle in His land like jewels in a crown. How attractive and beautiful they will be!” (Zechariah 9:16-17)