The Pastor’s Piece – July 14, 2024
July 14, 2024
“Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show it by his good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom. But if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts, do not boast about it or deny the truth. Such “wisdom” does not come down from heaven but is earthly, unspiritual, demonic,” (James 3:13-14 NIV).
Satan is the prince of this world and any wisdom apart from God’s wisdom, is not wisdom, it’s demonic. It comes straight from the devil himself. And the only way to discover wisdom that is from God, is through the revelation He gave us of Himself which is found in God’s Word.
So consider the cultural crisis we are in – where God is denied. Where the Biblical account of creation is considered foolish and stupid. Where people are claiming there is no such thing as only two genders. And where Biblical marriage is being redefined to fit the contemporary spirit of the age. Or where parents allow their very young children to have irreversible surgery to change their genders. And these are being forced upon society to be accepted as compassionate and loving.
Yet, in what other context would it be considered loving and compassionate to encourage a lie? And when man starts messing with God’s highest creation – human life – God has a very low tolerance level for that kind of evil. Every human being is made in the image of God. And that’s why we are against abortion – because the Bible teaches that the baby in her mother’s womb, is a person, created by God and he or she bears the image of God. That’s why we are against gender-altering surgeries, because the Bible says that God is the one who created us male and female, and formed us in our mother’s wombs, and He makes each integral part, and plans our days even before a single one of them comes into existence. We hold these truths tightly because they are truths that come from God’s Word. Psalms 33:4 says: “God’s word is true, and everything He does is right.” Jesus said in John 10:35: “Scripture cannot be broken.”
And so in the world in which we live, the opponents of God’s Word are not simply demanding that we keep our mouths shut, they are not simply demanding compliance on the part of those who hold to a different standard of morality, but they are demanding we embrace their doctrines with enthusiasm. Silence and neutralism will not be accepted. The morality of the Bible is no longer accepted as the moral code by which we live, there’s another morality that is being forced on society.
By definition, all law is imposed morality. It’s not whether you’re imposing morality, but which morality you are imposing. It’s not whether our legislation will be rooted in morality, but it’s which morality will our legislation be rooted in. The irony of the situation is such, that the very thing that Christians are often accused of – which is the accusation of trying to force our morality on others, is happening in the reverse today.
So, every Christian must know where they stand when it comes to Biblical doctrine, and be able and ready to stand on that truth, no matter the consequences. And we must consider politicians who agree with the Biblical narrative. (No politician is going to agree 100%, but there are many who will disagree 100%). Consider those who hold to the same beliefs you hold. Will your candidate surround himself or herself with people who believe and promote principles and lifestyles that are Scriptural? Or does your candidate and party hold to an alternate morality? Consider carefully who you vote for and the principles that candidate will promote.
Do you know that only about 50% of professing Christians actually go to the polls and vote? That means that 50% of evangelicals don’t bother to vote. Christian author and speaker Eric Metaxis says: “If you don’t vote, you will be accountable to God for turning your back against corruption and evil.” Many Christians don’t vote because they say the Bible isn’t political, yet throughout the Bible’s history, God gave the people the politicians they asked for. Politics can be corrupt and evil – but God isn’t, nor can He be. And throughout history, God has always used the nations of the world to accomplish His purpose in the world. Nations rise and fall by the will of the people. Willful disobedience brings God’s judgment on the just and the unjust alike. Obedience and repentance bring God’s grace and mercy.
Heavenly Father, thank You for the nation you have given us. We ask you Lord to continue to stir our hearts with a willingness to obey Your Word. You have blessed us with great freedoms and liberties. Look upon us with mercy and compassion and bless our nation. In Jesus’ name, amen.
(Kevin Cernek is Lead Pastor of Martintown Community Church in Martintown, Wisconsin).