Texas FFA Convention

Texas FFA Convention Report from FCFI Area Leader Jeff Goss:
“I knew the Texas State FFA convention was going to be fruitful going into it by the amount of warfare there was beforehand. This warfare included a hurricane which caused my flight to be cancelled the day before the convention was about to begin. I tried desperately to get another flight to Houston, but they were all booked up. I asked God for the sake of lost souls to please get me another flight.

Art FREE sharing the Gospel aty the Texas FFA Convention
hen God did a miracle when a plane ticket became available on a flight that was already full. This shows how God answers prayer, but it also shows how much He wants these FFA kids to be saved. Another miracle happened when the power to the convention center was restored before the convention began. Needless to say, many kids came to hear the Word of God and many kids prayed with us.

Art Free prays with some FFA students
rt Free, who was an Ag teacher in Texas for many years and his wife Susan helped us again this year. Because of Arts background with FFA, he really related to these kids and he had a tremendous passion to minister to them.
One young man at the convention was really encouraged by my testimony of me hearing the Gospel for the first time at a football camp when I was in ninth grade.

Ag teacher Art Free chats with FFA students
He said that his ministry was to minister to kids through football camps. One FFA girl from Houston said she was a Christian but hadn’t been able to find a church, so I told her of a good one that I knew of less than 15 minutes from the convention center.

Art Free sharing with Texas FFA kids
One young man who was working at a booth in front of us and had been listening to us preach for hours came over to our booth to learn more about God and FCFI. I believe God uses us to stir up a hunger in these kids for the Word of God and to be witnesses for Christ themselves.
These encounters reaffirm our belief that God uses us to stir a hunger for His Word and to empower young people to become witnesses for Christ. The convention was not just an event but a pivotal moment of spiritual awakening and empowerment for many attendees.As we reflect on the impact of the Texas State FFA convention, we are grateful for your continued support and prayers. Together, we are making a lasting difference in the lives of these youths, equipping them to carry forth God’s message of love and grace in their communities.”