Jesus has called us to go into all the world and share the Gospel with all nations. For the Fellowship of Christian Farmers International (FCFI), this mission means reaching farmers around the globe.
From February 11-13, 2025, in Tulare, California, we will have the opportunity to do just that at the World Ag Expo. This event draws an estimated 100,000 individuals from over 70 countries, making it a remarkable platform for us to share the Good News and expand our ministry’s reach to those from other countries.
We can not add this show without your generous support. It is $2700 for a booth and an estimated additional $1500 for hotels, food, and travel. But what is the price of even one soul? Yet the more FCFI can expand into strategic places where we can reach the world the better of course. We would like you to invest in soul-winning. Due to our current financial situation and summer slump in giving it is strategic that you give ASAP so this ministry expansion is not off our radar.
For more information, see the details from the World Ag Expo’s website https://www.worldagexpo.com/gallery/
You may designate your giving to the World Ag Expo by adding a comment when you give. Here is the link: https://www.fcfi.org/give/
Thank you for your support and partnership in spreading the Gospel.
Jeff Goss, Area Leader