Matthew 17:16-17
So I brought him to Your disciples, but they could not cure him.” Then Jesus answered and said, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.”
The same thing that always prevented a miracle from happening happened here as well – lack of faith! The father of a demon possessed child came to the Disciples of Lord Jesus requesting they help by removing the demon from the child. This is what Jesus is grooming them for. Soon He will be gone and they are to continue Jesus ministry here on earth. This reminds me of someone trying something for the first time without help and getting poor results. The Disciples stood up and tried ridding the child of the demon but the demon remained. It was lack of faith on the part of the Lord’s Disciples, not the father. They spoke the words but there was no power behind them. Jesus knew right away the problem. Jesus is frustrated because this is what He is preparing them for and they failed. Jesus has the boy brought to Him and He throws the demon out. It is great the Disciples tried on their own. But their lack of faith behind their words prevented the healing of the child. We can have little faith in God or we can have a lot of faith in God. That is the difference of how effective we can be for God! Lord, I ask for the power of Your Holy Spirit to always be behind my words and my actions for Your glory. I pray You give me the faith to move mountains and heal the sick. I ask You give me the ability to hear Your voice and step forward and speak so Your Spirit will do what You sent Him to earth to do – touch the hearts and the lives of the people around me. In Jesus name, Amen!! Prayer Requests! Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ August 4-8 Orleans County Fair, Barton, VT, Bill Brown Send prayer request to:mdjones11@att.netVisit the FCFI website! Connect with us |
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