Mark 3:3
And he said to the man with the withered hand, “Come here.”
The world has gotten so lazy. People no longer go to the store and shop for their own groceries. They go online and submit their grocery list for the store to pull and prepare. Also, people will not get up and go to restaurants. They use any of the various food delivery services like Door Dash or Grub Hub. They sit back and wait as the world is delivered into their laps! Sometimes in our lives there comes a time when we need a healing or we need help in a way only the Lord can help us. But the Lord is NOT like this world! “As the Lord tells us in this verse “Come here.” Jesus is there waiting for us to come to Him. There is an action on our part, in which we must come. It is not a time to just sit back and wait, but to move! As humans we have become so used to just sitting back and being waited on. This attitude will get in the way of your relationship with Jesus. You have a problem. You may be hurting. You may be depressed. It is no time to demand the Lord come to you. Jesus does not run a Heal Hub or Depression Dash service. His hand is out to you! He is waiting for you to come forward. The only thing getting in the way of the healing we need and desire is our refusal to reaching out to Jesus! Lord, help us to realize that we must come to you. Help us not to stay in the same place and just expect a healing, but to reach out and step forward to Jesus. Jesus, I give You my hand and my heart! Prayer Requests! Pray for Big Woods Bible Church in Lock Haven, PA. They have been given the former Maranatha Bible Church and the Big Woods leadership is in prayer seeking the Lord’s direction on how they should proceed with this new church building so as to glorify God. Pray for Petrina Westfall. She has cancer and is in need of a mighty touch from God, a miracle. My daughter Jamie has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She has been given different options for treatment. Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide her on what direction to go. Thanks, Gordon. Send prayer request to:mdjones11@att.netVisit the FCFI website! Connect with us |
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