James 3:13
Who is wise and understanding among you? Let them show it by their good life, by deeds done in the humility that comes from wisdom.
When we think about being wise, we do not think about deeds. We think our wisdom would show through our high social standing, by our important job, by our elegant home, by a book we wrote, or even our standing in church. But the Lord is telling us we are thinking like lowly humans here! We show our wisdom and understanding when we live a good life (do not be a trouble maker, do not be arrogant, do not be a show-off) AND by doing good deeds. We can show our Godly wisdom and understanding by seeing others in need and helping them. And helping others can be so easy. But, it all starts with us getting off the couch and putting God’s love into action by lending a helping hand. It can cost little to nothing to help someone in need. From helping someone move furniture, to helping cut their grass, to helping them get their dinner, to stopping to visit and listen to them. Yes, listening is a good deed that is rarely done! Don’t go out and self-proclaim your wisdom. Let it be seen in your actions for the Lord! Lord, open my eyes as to ways I can put Your love into action in my life and the lives of others. I want to be a sponge that soaks up Your love and at any moment You can squeeze that sponge and let Your love and blessings flow through me and splash all over others. Prayer Requests! Pray for the safety of Missionaries around the world. Many are teaching Christianity and preaching the Gospel of Lord Jesus in countries very different from what they are used to and their safety is not guaranteed. These missionaries also give up a lot in their lives compared to if they were living in the United States. Send prayer request to:mdjones11@att.netVisit the FCFI website! Connect with us |
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