John 13:14
Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet.
Jesus taught His disciples so much. So often it was through parables and then explaining them when they were alone. But sometimes He taught them by actual physical deeds. As a sign of humbleness, Jesus, yes Jesus, washes the feet of His disciples. Here is the Son of God humbling Himself and washing the feet of sinners. He tells them, just as I do this for you, you are to do this for others. As humans it is very difficult to humble ourselves to another. We view this as a sign of weakness. But, Jesus is telling them, what you view as a sign of weakness God views as a sign of strength. It takes inner strength to be humble to others. This Bile verse is extremely important and teaches so much to us. Show the Lord His children are strong of character and can wash the feet of another person and can do so with an extremely positive attitude. Lord, help me! I want to learn from You all I can. Help me to humble myself to others as you humbled your Holy self to us sinners. It might mean getting someone a drink of water or stepping in and helping someone at work. Whatever You want from me, give me Your inner strength to do it and enjoy it with all my heart. Prayer Requests! Pray for Don Dorenbos. He is very sick. Pray also for his salvation as well. Pray for Henry Herrold who has been diagnosed with cancer. Send prayer request to:mdjones11@att.netVisit the FCFI website! Connect with us |
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