John 20:28
Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!
Jesus was hung on the cross and died. The hope of all His followers was crushed. Though they were at Jesus side all those days, they were not fully understanding when He told them He would come back from the dead. But, the miracle of miracles had occurred. The disciples got word, the Lord has risen from the dead! They all were skeptical until the Lord appeared to 10 of the 11. Thomas was the only one missing. When they all told Thomas Jesus was alive, though they were the best of friends having been together so long, he refused to believe them. Jesus then appears to Thomas!! Even with Jesus standing in front of Thomas, he refuses to believe. Though Jesus raised several others from the dead, Thomas could not imagine Jesus could have done it also for Himself. This was when Thomas most famous words were uttered “My Lord and my God!” Thomas now believed Jesus was alive. But it took Him having to see Jesus in person. We all have the Word of God (Bible) directing our belief and faith today. And we can see Jesus effect on lives all around us each day. We have no excuse to doubt in anything Jesus said or did or how Jesus can affect the lives of people today. Do not doubt in Jesus as Thomas did. It will only cause you to stumble in your personal relationship with God. Lord Jesus, please help us to not reject you as Thomas did and not require the proof of your Lordship to our own physical eyes. Help our hearts to realize you are our God, our King, and our Savior and help everyone to love you with all of our hearts!! Prayer Requests! Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ September 8-11Four Town Fair, Somers, CT, Bill Brown Send prayer request to:mdjones11@att.netVisit the FCFI website! Connect with us |
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