Prayer Guide and Devotional – October 7, 2024

And He Himself is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the whole world.

The biggest problem I had with this verse was the understanding what propitiation actually means. Propitiation is a two-part act that involves 1) appeasing the wrath of an offended person and 2) being reconciled to him. We are told Jesus, Himself, is the only way to appease God’s wrath against man for the sin in our lives. We are so dirty with sin and offend God so much that there was no way for us to satisfy God on our own. And this offense goes against the entire world. It took Jesus life, death, and resurrection to appease God regarding our sins. Without Jesus there was no reconciliation between God and man. Reconciliation is to reestablish a close relationship between two. God’s wrath against man was so strong that it took the perfect sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and His resurrection from the dead to reestablish the relationship God and man had before sin entered the world. And Jesus was not suffering all this for just a select few people. Not just one race, creed, or color of person. But for the entire world! Jesus appeased God for ours sins and made right our relationship with God. That is propitiation.
Lord, I hear the first man and woman had a great and wonderful relationship with You. Lord, I want that relationship with You, too! I know the dirt of my sins offends You and separates us. Thank you Jesus for washing away my sins and reestablishing my closeness to God. Help me to do my best to share this wonderful message with everyone that will receive it. Because of You, Lord Jesus, I can have a fantastic relationship with the creator of the entire world!!

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