Luke 9:62
But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”
What happens when you are plowing the fields and you look back? Your furrows can get all twisted and crooked! This messes up your fields. Jesus tells us all, don’t look back! When we go into service for Him we need to stay focused ahead on Lord Jesus. We can look back and see all those things from our past. All those times and ways we offended the Lord. But, why look back? That just causes the furrows in the fields you are now planting and cultivating for the Lord to get all messed up. You were freed from all those mistakes you made. Your sin has been paid for. Jesus blood has set you free from your past and it no longer has any hold on you or should be of any interest to you! Keep your eyes looking forward on the fields the Lord has placed in front of you. There is nothing behind you that is needed. Keep looking forward and live your life for Jesus!! Lord, I don’t want to be one that looks back over my shoulder at my past. You have freed me from all that and You have given me such a bright and wonderful future. I look forward to what tomorrow with You brings and pray I stay true and strong for You and handle all the responsibilities You give me with grace, mercy, and love!! Prayer Requests! Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ October 5 Wintergreen Harvest Festival, Canajoharie NY, Bill Brown Send prayer request to:mdjones11@att.netVisit the FCFI website! Connect with us |
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