Prayer Guide and Devotional – October 28, 2024

speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,

Hey everybody! More instruction from the Lord on how we are to relate to each other. I don’t see it here saying it is okay to be grumpy or cranky or moody with our brothers and sisters in Lord Jesus! In fact, we are to be positive and encouraging. We are to share psalms and Christian songs. Don’t walk around dwelling on all the negative around you. Walk around with a song in your heart worshiping God. And ALWAYS give thanks for all things to God. You have a home, thank God! You have financial support, thank God! You have family and friends, thank God! You have clothes to wear and food for the table, thank God! Sometimes we get caught up in all the negative of this world which is exactly what satan wants you to do. So keep that song of joy to the Lord in your heart and you will not only not be depressed but you will lift the spirits of all those you will meet. Just think how happy that makes the Lord. And one more very important thing, give thanks to God in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who died on the cross to wash away the dirt of our sins that separate us from God. Without Jesus, we have no reason to be happy because we are separated from God for ever. With Jesus, we eternity in heaven! Lesson over. Start singing to God!! God bless!!
Good morning Heavenly Father, good morning Lord Jesus, good morning Holy Spirit!! This is going to be a beautiful day. Help me to be a blessing to all those I meet today. They need prayer, I am ready to pray with them. They need a shoulder to lean on, I have two all ready for leaning. They need to talk, I am ready to listen. Thank You Lord for all Your love and blessings!!! This is going to be a beautiful day. In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for Bill Nichols. Today he has major colon surgery.
Please pray for our country. With the upcoming election please call out to God in fervent prayer that our country is not destroyed. PLEASE VOTE!!!!

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