John 15:16a
You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit,
and that your fruit should remain
Occasionally when working the Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International’s tent or booth, we will have a witness or two that wants to call out to the people going by. Try to draw them in with the temptation of owning the latest in spiritual traveling companionship – the FCFI Wordless Walking Stick. But, through the years of working the FCFI tent (24 to be exact!) I have stopped calling people in. I have felt, if they come in on their own, they are being drawn in by the Lord and not the promise of a free gift. They are responding to the call of the Lord on their heart and life. Jesus tells us point blank – You did not choose Me, but I chose you … Jesus calls to our own spirits and brings us to Him. And Jesus has appointed you (look up top, who is He pointing at??) to bear fruit for Jesus (serve Him here on earth) and that fruit which you bear shall remain. Most fruit will pass it’s prime and rot and be no good. Your fruit for Lord Jesus shall remain and not decay. I stopped calling the people in. I cannot save them. I can tell them about the wonderful salvation message of Lord Jesus Christ, offer to pray with them to receive Jesus into their hearts and lives, and let the Spirit of the Lord do all the heavy lifting. What better thought to carry in your heart all your life, the Son of God has chosen you!! Lord, I do not know why You have chosen me. When I look in the mirror I think we are looking at two different people. But I am so grateful. You pointed Your finger at me and said “Come!” I pray I will serve You to Your standards and desires all my life. Please, use me to make a difference in this world for You. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!! Prayer Requests! Please pray for all teachers and for students and for their safety, may God have mercy on their lives. Send prayer request to:mdjones11@att.netVisit the FCFI website! Connect with us |
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