Prayer Guide and Devotional – October 25, 2024

The humble He guides in justice,

And the humble He teaches His way.

When out witnessing for the Lord there was also this other person helping. They would be loud and boisterous. When someone walked by that did not want to stop and listen to their presentation of the Gospel of Lord Jesus this person would yell out at them that they were going to hell. If they had not received Jesus into their hearts by that moment, yes, they were destined for hell. But yelling that out is an arrogant way of getting your point across. By carrying that type of attitude that person was driving people away from the Lord and not drawing them nearerGod’s Word reminds us that being humble is a strong sign you are living your life within the confines of the Lord’s desires. (1) The Lord guides in justice those that are humble (Shown by meekness or modesty in behavior, attitude, or spirit; not arrogant or prideful.) The Lord helps us to do what is right in His eyes when we are humble. (2) And He teaches us His ways. Most everything you do was taught to you. Talking , spelling, reading, driving, playing sports, having a checking account, and so much more. Teachers in various forms have taught us all we know and do. The Lord is our main and most important teacher. For those that are humble the Lord teaches His ways. And being humble is the sign of strength, not weakness (as the world wants you to think arrogance is strength). The arrogant refuse to hear and will struggle in life refusing the Lord’s teaching. It is all up to you as to if you want to be humble and submit to the Lord or arrogant and offend those we meet. God bless!!
Lord, help me to be humble in all I do. I want Your teaching and I want to live my life completely by it. Let no part of arrogance be part of me and how I relate to people. Help me to be a good diplomat for Lord Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ October 26 Apple Festival, Congregational Church, Salem, CT, Bill Brown

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