Prayer Guide and Devotional – October 24, 2024

But Peter followed Him at a distance, right into the courtyard of the high priest. And he sat with the servants and warmed himself at the fire.

Peter was with Jesus pretty much from the start of His ministry. He watched as Jesus preached to thousands of people and heard the Word of God from the Lord’s Son. He watched as Jesus performed so many miracles ranging from feeding thousands from a few loaves of bread to raising the dead back to life. Hey, Peter even walked a couple steps on top of water!! There should have been no questions by Peter as to who Jesus truly was and that His powers and authority straight from God. Yet, when Jesus was taken into custody and bound and lead before the High Priest, Peter kept his distance. He still followed Jesus, but no longer from Jesus side or at his heals like he did throughout Jesus ministry. During the good times Peter was at Jesus side but during hard times he stepped away from Him. We also can fall back into that “keep a distance” attitude. We receive Jesus into our hearts and lives and love going to church and Bible studies and life is so good. But then, something difficult happens in our lives. A loved one gets cancer, you lose your job, or a relationship falls apart. At the time we should be connected at Jesus hip, we step back away from Him and follow Him from a distance. Eventually, Peter comes back to the Lord and becomes a stronger disciple of Jesus than he was before. During our times of trouble is when we need to be closest to Jesus. Do not back away then. Jesus is the source of your healing, your peace, your contentment, and your joy. Come closer to Him today than you ever have in your life. Feel the warmth of being close to Him and not the coldness of distance from Him. God bless!!
Lord, there is the potential for all of us to step back from Jesus when our lives hit difficult moments. But Lord, help me to get closer to You and Lord Jesus than I ever have been in my life. And Lord, please help me to maintain that closeness and live my life in Your arms! You are my rock. In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for our farmers and their families as harvest time is upon them. Pray for safety in the long days and nights of gathering crops. Please pray for commodity prices to rise to a level they can make a living for their families.
Continue to pray for Israel in their struggles to maintain their peace and safety.
Pray for the victims around the US that are still trying to get their lives back together after the recent hurricanes.
Andy Mower, faithful supporter of FCFI needs a miracle. He has been diagnosed with Neuromyelitis Optica Spectrum Disorder. Andy at present is paralyzed from the neck down and has been transferred to a hospital close to NY city. Please keep Andy, wife Joan and family in your prayers.
We ask for prayer for Petrina Westfall, Ronks, PA, as she continues to struggle with cancer. She needs a miracle. Please keep her husband Paul and their two teenage children in prayer as well as they are struggling with this situation.

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