Prayer Guide and Devotional – October 23, 2024

Do not remember the sins of my youth,

nor my transgressions;

According to Your mercy remember me,

For Your goodness’ sake, O Lord.

There was this cute little older lady from our church. She was so sweet and loved by all. When speaking with her adult daughter about her mother, she told us her mother once was really nasty and mean. She had a stroke and forgot her past. It was the problems of her past that grieved her mother so much. With her past forgotten she was so happy and sweet. We all have that chest of problems we have caused over the years of our lives. A past we would love to forget. Some people cannot sleep because of their problems and past and for some their pasts cause them to need therapy and led them to addictions to alcohol and drugs. King David was also one that knew his past was full of problems that would offend the Lord. Here he cries out to the Lord to forget his past and asks God for mercy (not giving David the punishment that he deserves!) David knows what he truly deserves from the Lord and is requesting the Lord forget his past. He even leans on the goodness of the Lord. We have all been in David’s place. That is what sin does in people’s lives. It leads people to offend God and then punishes their conscious’ for doing so. David’s only hope was to cry out to the Lord requesting the Lord forget his offensive behavior. That is the reason Jesus came and died on the cross. We do not have to live with the fear of God’s vengeance. Jesus has paid for our sins on the cross to wash away (with His blood) our sins. The Lord no longer sees them! We have become righteous before the Lord due to Jesus taking OUR punishment on the cross! God bless!!
Lord, I know I have an offensive past but I also know by the love of Lord Jesus I have been washed clean of that filthy past. I thank You Lord, with all my heart, for Your forgiveness and Your goodness. Help me to touch the lives of others that still live in their sins and are tortured by their past and use me to lead them to the only way to true forgiveness and happiness. Help me to share Lord Jesus salvation message with all I meet that need You so desperately! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Please pray for all FCFI witnesses as they do God’s work across the USA and Canada. Pray for wisdom, finances, and ways they can reach out and be an arm for FCFI in doing God’s work.
Pray for Sherri. Today she has surgery to get a new kidney.
Pray for Brandy who is undergoing cancer treatments.
Pray for FCFI witness David Merithew that is battling immune deficiency. It restricts where and when he can leave his house.
Pray for Mary’s sister Sue. She just recently found out she has stage 4 cancer. Pray for Sue’s husband. He has liver cancer and now with his wife being diagnosed with cancer the stress is immense on him. They have an 18 year old son just starting college and is very close to both of them.

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