Prayer Guide and Devotional – October 22, 2024

These things I have written to you who believe in the name of the Son of God, that you may know that you have eternal life, and that you may continue to believe in the name of the Son of God.

When we are witnessing out in the FCFI tent or booth we often ask people if they would die that day whether they would spend eternity in heaven with the Lord or if they will spend eternity away from the Lord and His love and blessings. A common answer is “Does anybody really know.” We tell them straight out (but in a non-aggressive way!) that everyone can know if they are destined for heaven or notThe Lord’s promise to the world is, if we each or individually receive Jesus into our hearts and lives for His payment of our sins on the cross, we will go to heaven when we are done on this earth. Here, John reminds us that we have that promise from the Lord and the Lord keeps His promises. Maybe a big problem is we are all humans and we know us humans are not good at keeping OUR promises and so we sometimes doubt God will. We all have to remember that God is not human and absolutely keeps His promises. And because of this comfort in knowing our destiny is set, we can continue to believe in and worship the Son of God all the days of our lives! Have you accepted Jesus for what He did for you on the cross? If so, then know in your heart that, when you are done on this earth, you have a place reserved for you in heaven. There is no greater knowledge of knowing you can have peace of mind all the rest of your life knowing you have the creator of all things waiting for you with open arms!! God bless!!
Lord, thank You so much for paying for my sins. You washed away the offensive dirt that clung to my soul that offended my God with Your death and resurrection. I could not pay the price to rid that dirt. But You loved me so much You paid my high price. Thank you Jesus and I believe in You with all my heart and look forward to the day I am worshiping right in front of You in heaven! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for Peter. He has cancer and the treatments have ravaged him in such a bad way that he has stopped treatment for now.
Pray for Sherri. Tomorrow she has surgery to get a new kidney.
Pray for Melissa. She sometimes struggles a little with the weight that often falls on the shoulders of people. Pray she feels the presence and the love of God every moment of every day.

Please welcome Melissa to the FCFI Daily Devotional family! She stopped at the FCFI tent at the Heller’s Apple Festival yesterday and the FCFI family had a great time of talking and prayer with Melissa. God bless!!

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