Prayer Guide and Devotional – October 14, 2024

Enoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Methuselah. After he begot Methuselah, Enoch walked with God three hundred years, and had sons and daughters. So all the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years. And Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him

The greatest time anyone can have is time spent with the Lord. In Genesis Chapter five there is just four sentences about Enoch. But what mighty things are said about him. Just think of the wonderful time Enoch had walking with the Lord. And this time spent was not just once or twice. It occurred for three hundred years!! The Lord and Enoch were so close, Enoch did not die but was taken up by God. In our lives today it is a struggle to make just a few minutes each day to talk to God, let alone walk with Him. Lives can be so busy with family, work, chores, and hobbies. When two people communicate regularly, they become closer. You want to get closer to your spouse, walk with them and talk with them everyday and watch your relationship get stronger. Want to get closer to the Lord, walk with Him and talk with Him everyday and watch your relationship with the Lord grow stronger (like Enoch’s!). Yes you are busy. But take a walk today and talk to the Lord! Can there be any better use for your FCFI Walking Stick??
Note: Enoch was father to Methuselah – The world’s longest living person and Noah’s great grandfather. Enoch was mentioned in Hebrews Chapter 11’s “Hall of Faith!!”
Lord, help me to make time to walk with You and talk with You everyday. You are more important to me than anyone or anything in my life. And I want You to know that straight from me. Oh God, You are awesome!! I can only imagine how wonderful time with You could be.

Prayer Requests!
Please pray for Henry. He has cancer and needs and greatly appreciates our prayers.

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