Prayer Guide and Devotional – October 12, 2024

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity (compulsion); for God loves a cheerful giver.

Basically everything we have is the Lords. He has given to us to improve our lives and make us happy. So, the Lord is watching to see what we all do with what He has given us. Are we keeping it all to ourselves or are we sharing it with others? And remember, the Lord looks at the heart. He knows how we really feel or why we do something. The Lord knows if we are giving strictly because we should and not because we want to share with others. The Lord loves to see His children give to others and really enjoy doing so. He wants us to be cheerful and happy that we are able to help others. And this goes for more than just money! When we volunteer time and give our possessions to help others, the Lord wants this to be done cheerfully as well. Besides volunteering you can give use of your tools, give away unneeded furniture, give away kitchen appliances, bathroom items, bed linens and blankets, and various food items. Go ahead and be a cheerful giver today and let the Lord know you are thrilled to give to others in need!!
Lord, there are so many ways for me to share all You have given me. Please, bring people into my path today I can help in one way or another. Help people to see the love of Jesus in the smile and cheerfulness I show forth as I give to those in need!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for all of our brothers and sisters in Lord Jesus that struggle with temptation in their lives everyday. Pray the Lord helps them around it or even through it! They have God on their side every minute of every day of their lives!

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