Matthew 10:32-33
“Therefore whoever confesses Me before men, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven. But whoever denies Me before men, him I will also deny before My Father who is in heaven.“
When people are around you do they have to question whether you are a Christian or not? Do your words and actions show God’s love everyday to the world around you? There are people I know and even people I have worked with that, if not for seeing them in church or an occasional word about their church, you might never know they were a Christian. Speaking with an elder from our church I told him about a man like this I knew. The elder said he might be such a quiet Christian even the Lord does not know it. The Lord does not want us to be quiet or embarrassed about our following Jesus. We are to speak it out! Even shout it out “Jesus is my Savior!!” Jesus tells us if we do not confess to the world around us that we are Christian and Jesus is our Savior who paid for our sins on the cross, Jesus is going to keep just as quiet to God about us!! If you are not serious enough about totally following Jesus and proclaiming Him to the world around you, you are in essence telling Jesus you are not truly one with Him. Was your receiving Him into your heart strictly “Fire Insurance” to keep from going to the fires of hell? We must be all in with Jesus or we are all out of going to heaven. Has Jesus been telling God how nice you are? Lord, help me to proclaim You to the world as my Lord and Savior everyday in my words and actions. I do not want people to wonder if I am a Christian but to know it plain and clear. And help me to be the very best diplomat for you all my life!! Prayer Requests! Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ throughout October. Just as October is popular for apple harvesting, there are many FCFI events happening as well. Pray for FCFI witnesses going out to these many events. Please pray for the Ferris family with the passing of Ruth. October 2024 Prayer Guide Send prayer request to: mdjones11@att.netVisit the FCFI website! Connect with us |
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