Hebrews 12:2
fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God
Jesus has the most awesome view of the heavens and the earth. He earned that seat by His death on the cross for every person in the world. A death of a criminal, yet Jesus never sinned. And Jesus did not feel embarrassed by that death. He bore it as only the Son of God could, with joy. No, the death He died was not a joyful or fun event for Him. But it was necessary if we are to avoid an eternity of life away from God and His love. Jesus, is the perfecter of our faith. Jesus, is the pioneer of our faith. He watches His kingdom every day. So let every one of us keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. Let every thought, word, and action of ours be done with a strong desire to please our Savior. As long as all of our attention is on our Lord we will get closer to Him. Yes, keep that image in your eyes and in your hearts of Jesus loving sacrifice on that old rugged cross. Go to Jesus right now and thank Him for His love and for His caring so much for each one of us that He took the punishment for the sins of the world. Thank You Jesus!!! Lord, help us to remember that we owe an enormous debt to Jesus. That we are a child of the Most High God when we receive Jesus into our hearts and lives and because of that we have the power of the Lord with us every moment of our lives enabling us to overcome and make it through any and all hardships. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!! Prayer Requests! Please pray for our country! Please pray for Israel. There are some countries in the world that are calling Israel criminals for defending their people and their land. December 2024 Prayer Guide Send prayer request to: mdjones11@att.net Visit the FCFI website! Connect with us |
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