2 Corinthians 5:10
For all of us must appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each may receive due recompense for actions done in the body, whether good or evil.
Many Christians feel that only the unsaved or non-believers will go before the judgement seat of Lord Jesus. However, those saved by the blood of Jesus shall also go before the Judgement Seat. Those that rejected Jesus all their days on earth will be judged for their sins that dirty them too much to enter heaven. Due to their rejection of Jesus while on the earth, they will be rejected entrance to paradise in heaven with our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus and all their family and friends that will be there. The dirt of their unforgiven sins will cause them to be banished from the presence of God. But it also states that those that are saved by the blood of Lord Jesus shall also make an appearance before the Judgement Seat of Jesus. But they will not be judged on any sins. Their sins have been washed away from them by the blood of Jesus at the cross. But it does say in God’s Word that those that are saved shall be judged for the good they did for Jesus while they walked this earth. It says even the saved shall receive recompense (be awarded compensation to) for actions done in the body, and that includes the good you have done. Watch when you are at work, out running errands, doing chores around the yard, or are hanging out with family or friends. The Lord always presents us with opportunity to help and bless other people. We can all bless other people by lending a hand, providing a meal, or just giving them a chance to talk. When we go before Jesus will He tell us this will just take a minute or tell us to have a seat, this will take some time for Him to review all the good we did for Jesus when we were still on earth? Lord, I know it is not enough to just attend church and take time to talk to You. You always present Your children with the opportunity to bless others. We were not placed on this earth to just take care of ourselves. There are many people that I can bless in various ways. Please, make sure my eyes are open to every person I can bless and never let me feel myself too busy to step up and serve You. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!! Prayer Requests! Please continue to pray for the Helene victims in NC. Send prayer request to:mdjones11@att.netVisit the FCFI website! Connect with us |
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