Prayer Guide and Devotional – November 13, 2024

Luke 10:17

Now the seventy-two returned with joy, saying, “Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name!”

Just think how exciting the times where for the disciples of Lord Jesus. They walked with Him and heard His every Word. Those spoken in public to the crowds and those spoken behind closed doors. They witnessed His miracles. Jesus was feeding and nurturing them. Their main responsibility, whether they knew it or not, was to learn from Jesus because they were going to be sent out into the world to share His message of love and hope and Jesus salvation message after His death on the cross and His resurrection. I remember my first days and months sharing Jesus salvation message from the FCFI tent. How exciting it was. But how nervous I was hoping I was saying and doing the right thing for the Lord. These seventy-two must have felt the same way. You want us to what? To go out and preach who You are and why You are here to the people? As I went on sharing Jesus from the FCFI tent, it got easier. I realized it was not me they accepted or rejected but Jesus. It was God’s Holy Spirit saving the souls, not me. The seventy-two had this same experience. The Holy spirit, the same one that has been with the FCFI tent all these years and still is, was there with Jesus disciples as they shared the message of Jesus Christ. And the words of Jesus are delivered with the power of the Holy Spirit. Even to the point of driving demons from those that were possessed. The Holy Spirit was giving those disciples the power and confidence to carry Jesus Word to the world and to build the church of Christ after He would ascend to heaven. Jesus was kicking His little birds from their nest so they would learn to fly on their own!!
Lord, I still remember those days out in the FCFI tent sharing Lord Jesus. How nervous I was hoping I was drawing people closer to You and not driving them away. I thank You for those days of learning and building my confidence and the confidence of all those that would share who You are and what You did for the world from the tent. I give You the praise and glory for all the souls saved and the miracles that have occurred (and will occur) in that tent and by those sharing Your name throughout the world. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Please pray for FCFI funding and events to share the Jesus Sticks.

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