Prayer Guide and Devotional – May 9, 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

Amos 4:12

Prepare to meet your God

There are those people that love the Lord and have received His son into their hearts. How exciting for those when they will finally meet the Lord! Also, there are those one Pastor has called “Creasters” since they come to church only on Christmas and Easter. Though they attend church (two days a year), this does not qualify as receiving Jesus into their hearts and lives so, even with perfect attendance on those two days, they are not considered part of God’s family. We can attend church every Sunday of the year but if we have not received Jesus into our hearts and lives, we are still not members of the Lord’s family. We all must remember, no matter what our relationship with the Lord is, we shall all stand before God when we are done on earth. This will be very exciting for some and very uncomfortable for others at this special meeting. What about those that have rejected God and Jesus all their lives? For those that have rejected Jesus all their lives, this will be the most dreadful moment one could ever imagine. They are not prepared to meet their God. We can help change this for any that rejecting Jesus by sharing Jesus salvation message with them today! 

Thank You so much Lord Jesus for dying for me and washing my sins away on that cross. I ask for those that do not know You, that have rejected You. Please, give them another chance to hear the awesome message of love by Lord Jesus and open up their hard hearts to receive Him as their Savior! In Jesus name, Amen!!

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Prayer Requests!!!

Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus May 9-11 Washington FFA Convention, Kennewick, Terry Morrison

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