Prayer Guide and Devotional – May 28, 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

John 8:58

“Very truly I tell you,” Jesus answered, “before Abraham was born, 

I am!”

Jesus critics were showing their disbelief in what Jesus had been saying about His deity. Jesus spoke right out and used the words that God had spoken to the Jews through Moses. The same words spoken by God to Moses implied in the simplest terms, Jesus is God. Now, Jesus was using the exact same wording. I once was asked by another Christian, did Jesus ever come right out and say He was God? Yes, right here Jesus is telling both the Jews and the world (through the Bible!) that He truly is God. Jesus was implying the same essence to all the people listening as God did to Moses and the Hebrews. Jesus spoke of His deity, performed many miracles, and taught in a most amazing way to all the people. Yes, Jesus is God. Jesus was God back then as He stood before the Jews and Jesus is God today as He positively effects every life that comes to Him and asks Him to come into their heart!

Lord Jesus, I believe that You are God as You have shown me in Your Word. I receive You into my heart and life today and receive Your free gift of eternal life in heaven. Thank You for taking my punishment on the cross. Help me to turn my life around and live totally for You, my Lord and my God!!

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Prayer Requests!

Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus May 28-31 New Mexico FFA, 

Las Cruces, NM, Jeff Goss

Jim is in the hospital with pneumonia and other complications.

Petrina Westfall struggling with cancer.

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