Prayer Guide and Devotional – May 27, 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

John 15:13

Greater love has no one than this, 

than to lay down one’s life for his friends.

For most people Memorial Day marks the start of summer. School is out or will be soon. Vacations start for many people across the country. Cookouts and family gatherings occur for most families. It is viewed by so many as a joyful holiday.However, people lose the real meaning of Memorial Day. It is a day of remembrance of all those that gave the ultimate sacrifice, their lives, in defense of our great country. Since the start of the 20th century the US has been involved in seven wars or conflicts. Even Jesus tells us the supreme act of an individual in laying down his life for another is the greatest act of love. On this day, Memorial Day, we are remembering the freedom’s we have today came at a cost. The cost of American military lives. Those Americans that lost their lives because they viewed this country, you and me, as being so important, so special, as to lay down their lives for us. Just as Jesus laid down His life to the point of death on the cross, for all of the world.Remember the real meaning of Memorial Day. All of the men and women that gave their lives in the service and defense of our country and of others unable to defend themselves around the world. Thank all the veterans you see today for their service to this country. Many never came home.

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Prayer Requests!
Please pray for all who are struggling financially during this strained economic time.
Pray for all those Americans in the military and their families. Pray they are safe and and have peace of mind.
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