Prayer Guide and Devotional – May 26, 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

Romans 6:23

For the wages of sin is death, 

but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Some people state that God is a hard God. Can you actually believe that He would refuse heaven to someone who was “good” all their life? God cannot compromise who and what He is. God is absolutely perfect. What is perfection? It is doing everything absolutely right. So, what is “good?” Have these “good” people ever told a single lie? Even a small one? Yes, they have. Somewhere in their life they have lied. So, they may be “good”, but they are not “perfect” as God is Perfect. God cannot have even the remotest indication of dirt or sin in His perfect world of heaven. So, we MUST be absolutely clean (from sin) to be in heaven. So, our sin has earned us (wages!) an eternity away from God in hell. How can we clean ourselves up enough to satisfy God? The fact is, we cannot. God knows we cannot and all of His people are destined to spend eternity away from God and in hell. But, God had a plan to clean us all up from our dirty sins. That plan occurred when Jesus died on the cross to take our sin earned punishment for us. And He rose from the dead proving He truly is God. But, that free gift of heaven is not ours until we come to Jesus, each of us personally, and receive Him into our hearts and our lives for His death for us on the cross. When we receive Jesus as our Savior, we are receiving His “Free Gift” of eternal life in heaven!!

Lord Jesus we receive You into our hearts and lives today and receive Your free gift of eternal life in heaven. Thank You for taking my punishment on the cross. Help me to turn my life around and live totally for You!! In Jesus Name, Amen!!

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