Prayer Guide and Devotional

Jeremiah 1:6-7
Then I said, “But Lord God, I don’t know how to speak. I am only a boy.”But the Lord said to me, “Don’t say, ‘I am only a boy.’ You must go everywhere I send you, and you must say everything I tell you to say.
Whether we are young or old, we often feel totally unqualified to take the salvation message of Lord Jesus to the world (or the world around us.) We feel unqualified to deliver the Word of God to those that never hear the Word of God or to those that reject the existence of God. Young Israelite Jeremiah was chosen by the Lord to deliver the Word of God to those the Lord directs. Jeremiah felt he was unqualified due to his young age. The Lord told to him to go. The Lord would give him the words.No matter whether we are young or old, we often feel the same as Jeremiah – Unqualified to speak for the Lord! But you were created for a purpose. Your life on this earth is not a mistake. We all have a unique purpose for the Lord. Go to God in prayer today and ask Him to direct you as to how you can serve Him. Then sit there quietly and wait for His answer. You may be young, but the Lord can use you. You may be old, but the Lord can use you. We cannot see the potential we have for serving the Lord. But the Lord knows and will give us the words to speak to fulfill His Godly mission. And that is what matters!
Lord, I never rally feel qualified to speak for You. But, I know You have need for people to carry Your words to the Lost and to those that love You but feel alone and depressed. I ask that You use me to show Your love to a lost and dying world. There are people out there that need You and I want to deliver Your message of hope. I love You, Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!
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Prayer Requests!
Please pray that God will bless our farmers as they begin to put in this year’s crop. Pray for timely rains and little disease and no hurricanes.
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