Prayer Guide and Devotional

Ephesians 6:17
And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
So many people do not realize everyday a battle rages. Not a physical battle, but a spiritual battle all around us. One of our protections is our salvation. God tells us when we receive Jesus into our hearts and lives, we now have a “Spiritual helmet” protecting out minds and our thoughts.But this battle is not one sided. You are to defend yourself with your sword. Your sword is the Word of God, your Bible!! Anyone wanting to get better at something practices regularly. Read your Bible and shout out loud various Bible verses. Swing that Spiritual sword (read God’s Word!), wear that Godly helmet (your salvation!), and stand your ground. You are the Lord’s and He is with you!! I thank You, Lord Jesus, for providing me with my salvation helmet! And thank You, Lord God, for Your amazing Word. I know my salvation is through You and protected by You. Thank You Lord for protecting me as battles rage around me. In Jesus Name, Amen!!Forward this email to a friend today!! Prayer Requests!!! Please pray for a group of peanut farmers and their buying point as they are now being told the merchants are going bankrupt and unless God intervenes these farmers and owners will lose all of this years’ crop…and maybe their farms and homes. Send prayer request |