Prayer Guide and Devotional – March 26, 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

Philippians 4:11

Not that I speak in regard to need, for I have learned in whatever state I am, to be content:

Paul had lived through so much in his life. At one point he was a member of the Pharisees and condemned the followers of Jesus. Then, he became a Christian himself and found himself in many precarious positions. But the one thing he found was, no matter what position he was in, he learned to be content. He learned to be happy no matter his position of need. He realized with Jesus in his life he could always be content. Jesus was his true source of happiness, not his possessions or his position in life. Whether it be a lack of food, warm clothing, or friends, he found he could still be content, because he had Jesus as his Savior. We can be content where we are, also. Do not let your conditions determine your happiness. As long as you have Jesus in your heart and in charge of your life, you can be content where you are. Now, this does not mean you no longer try to improve your position. It means, wherever you are in life at that moment, you can be content. Do not let lack of money, lack of friends, lack of family, or even lack of health rob you of your contentment. If you have Jesus, you have everything in the world!! 

Lord, I sometimes feel my life has not gone according to how I would have liked it. I feel I could have achieved so much more. But, when I stop and look at where I am, I truly am very content and very happy. Do not let satan rob me of the happiness I have with You. I have Jesus as my Savior and living in my heart and life. It is not having possessions or any type of social status that makes me happy. My happiness comes from YOU and You alone! I love You Lord!! In Jesus Name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!!!

Pray for Israel in their war against Hamas.

Please pray for the family members of J Bruce, regarding poor mental and physical health.

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