Prayer Guide and Devotional

John 17:14
I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them because they are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
The disciples of Jesus walked and talked with Him, saw the many miracles He performed, and listened to His many messages taught to the masses. They lived life at His side. They believed Lord Jesus was the Son of God. They were being trained to go out and teach Jesus after His death and resurrection. Lord Jesus told them they were no longer like those that lived a sinful life. The disciples now had a place waiting for them in heaven. They were seen as no longer of this world. When Jesus prayed to the Lord He spoke of His disciples as being hated because Jesus was hated and they were His followers. People that love God and try to live according to His word are no longer of this sinful world. Christians live with the Spirit of God in them everyday and are viewed the same way. Christians today are also hated by the world. Persecution exists yet today. As Christians we are held to higher standards than what the world holds themselves to showing we are no longer part of this world. If you love Lord Jesus and follow Him, you, too, are not of this world. You are considered the Lord’s children and your true residency will be in heaven.
Lord, I love You and Lord Jesus and want to get closer and closer to You each day. I realize I no longer fit into the world around me. Jesus washed my sins away and so I have a place waiting for me in heaven when I am done in this life. I may be hated by the world but I am loved by the God that created the world!! I love You Lord!! In Jesus Name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for Israel in their war against Hamas.
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus March 21-24 Oregon FFA State Convention, Redmon, OR, Terry Morrison
Prayers for Mike and Wanda. Wanda is struggling with cancer. It is not going good for them at this time. Lift them up for a healing!
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