Prayer Guide and Devotional

1 John 4:19
We love because God loved us first.
The God that created this earth and all it’s inhabitants is a very loving God. Our human nature is sinful and geared towards destruction and as long as we keep our distance from that loving God we cannot begin to show or receive love. We constantly destroy and divide with harmful words and actions. John reminds us that we can feel and show love. We can feel and show love because God loved us first. Without God showing the world true love, we would not know what true love is or how to show it. God was our “Demo Model” for love. And when we try, we can show amazing love! The young lady above stopped by the FCFI’s booth at the 2023 Ocean City MD Home, Condo, and Outdoor Show Arts and Crafts Fair. At such a young age she needs the assistance of a walker to get around and she talks slowly because of her health condition. She could be very angry at the world and at the Lord. But this young lady is the true expression of love! When she looked in the box with the mirror in it that states “Look Inside To See Who Jesus Died For”, she smiled so huge. She struggled to get close enough to look in. But then she backed away, and with a huge smile, wrapped her arms around her chest, and proudly exclaimed “Jesus loves us so much.” Then tears swelled in her eyes and she stated “He struggled so much. It hurts my heart when I think about His struggles.” She had us all in tears seeing her struggle to speak and yet her deep, deep love for Lord Jesus. When the FCFI witness placed the manual in her walker pouch upside down, the young lady exclaimed “Jesus will fall out if you put Him in that way. We need to take care of Him.” This was then corrected for her. Her message was an expression of ultimate love for her Savior in spite of her afflictions and struggles. We have no excuses for spreading hate when we see this amazing show of love! A love she learned from God, who loved her first.
Lord, thank You for showing me true love. Help me to show Your love, much like this young lady. You showed us true love when You gave Your life on the cross, dying a horrible death. Despite my struggles on earth help me to share love and not hate. I can love You Lord and anyone around me because You first loved me. In Jesus Name, Amen!!
Prayer Requests!!!
Pray for Israel in their war against Hamas.
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus March 21-23 Coffeyville Farm Show,
Coffeyville, KS, Mike Weaver
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