Prayer Guide and Devotional

Philippians 2:12
work out your own salvation with fear and trembling; So often we can look at a verse in the Bible and not truly understand what it is telling us. We look at Philippians 2:12 and ask “If Jesus died for me on the cross, why and how do I work out my own salvation?” This verse is not telling us we must save ourselves. God is telling us that now that we are saved by Jesus death and resurrection, we have work that needs done daily. Show great respect and humility in your position of being an adopted child of God and realize the great work He has placed us in. And this is our daily work, to walk according to the Lord’s commands and to strive to get closer to the Lord everyday. This is work because our sinful nature does not want to let us submit to the Lord and all He says. It is not easy or everyone would be the perfect Christian. Continue to work to obey the Lord in all things and be the best child of God you can be. If you have concerns you may let the Lord down, let this motivate you to read your Bible and talk to the Lord daily to be the best person you can be. As the workers above are helping each other at work, we also can help each other by encouraging each other everyday. The terms “fear” and “trembling” are used in various places of the Bible encouraging us to respect and have awe in the Lord!! Let us all realize we must work daily at communicating with the Lord and having respect in the Lord and our passion should be so strong in satisfying the Lord that it produces “fear and trembling” in us all!! Forward this email to a friend today!! Prayer Requests! Pray for witnesses sharing Jesus June 8-9 Antique Tractor Show, Sharol Springs, NY, Bill Brown Send prayer request |