Prayer Guide and Devotional

Philippians 4:21
Greet every saint in Christ Jesus. The brethren who are with me greet you.
How many times have we read this verse and just blew right past it without even a thought what it is telling us? Greeting does not have to be in person or to one person. You can greet people in various ways including a letter, a call, or a text. And you can greet groups of people, not just a single person. You can also greet people whom your letter, call, or text is not directly addressed to like friends, family, and co-workers of the person addressed. This is how YOU can greet every saint! Greeting someone is like saying “Hey buddy, I hope you are doing great!” It helps people feel good and even important. And greet them, in the name of Lord Jesus!! After all, they are your brothers and sisters in Lord Jesus!! And do not wait until you see them in person. Time is too short and the world is too big. Paul wrote letters that reached out to entire churches and even entire cities. These letters often encouraged many people and were not always directed towards just one or two people. Reach out today. Take time to encourage and greet everyone you meet telling them you notice them and they are important to you. Take your email, text, and phone greetings to a higher level today. Do not just greet that one person, but include all those around them including family, friends, and co-workers. Forward this email to a friend today!! Prayer Requests! Please pray that God will raise up His people to pray for and financially support FCFI as it continues to share the Good News of Salvation through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Send prayer request to |