Prayer Guide and Devotional – June 26, 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.

God’s Word tells us we are to comfort one another and edify one another. To comfort someone is to ease or relieve of physical affliction or to sooth in times of distress. Edify is when we encourage or spiritually or emotionally lift up each other. You occasionally come across other people that are depressed and lonely. Life is hard. There are many things going on in this world which can crush a person’s spirits. Don’t just walk by these people. Don’t tell them you will pray for them and then go about your business. Stop and take some time for them. Pray right there for their needs. Take them by the hand or put an arm around their shoulder and reach out in prayer for them to the Lord.Remind them they are adopted son’s and daughter’s of our heavenly Father! The Lord is there with them to hold them and ready help them. Work to encourage and lift up that person. We are not to live our lives just concerned about ourselves. Jesus was our example of living life for others. Let us live our lives like Jesus, thinking of others! 
Lord, use me today to lift up and encourage people. Bring people in my path for me to stop and listen to. For me to pray for with all my heart. If they are there and I am hesitant, push me Lord. Please, do not let that moment pass. Let Your love for them shine through me and allow them to get closer to You!! In Jesus name, Amen!!
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Prayer Requests!

Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus June 26 Virginia FFA State Convention, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA, Michael and Karen Steele

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