Prayer Guide and Devotional – July 8, 2024

Prayer Guide and Devotional

Zephaniah 3:5

Every morning He brings His justice to light;

He never fails,

Did you ever have a day so horrible, you asked yourself, will this day ever end, will justice be served? Every morning the Lord brings the sun. No matter how dark the night may be, the sun always rises. Even if we do not see the sun itself, it is still going to rise, it will be there! The Lord knows our darkest times. Know as well that God’s justice will prevail. The light will come, yes, the morning sun! When it is dark we often sit alone or lie in bed and think about all the difficulties in our life. Never have any concerns if justice will be served. The Lord sees all things and will address all things as they should be. He never fails, just like a sunrise does not fail to come. So the next time you are wondering if justice will prevail, does the Lord see all the evil in this world, does the Lord see all we each go through? Just like the daylight breaks every morning, the Lord is on the job taking care of business. The Lord will never fail us!
When you see the sunrise in the morning, may it be a reminder that just as the sun rises each day, God’s justice also rises each and every day!
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Prayer Requests!
Pray for all the FFA members (Future Farmers of America) as they continue to work hard to learn everything there is to know about the farming business. They are the ones the Lord has charged to continue feeding the world.

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