Prayer Guide and Devotional – July 23, 2024

rayer Guide and Devotional

Revelation 21:21

And the street of the city was made of pure gold 

as clear as glass.

As witnesses for FCFI we share the Gold Bead first. Some organizations using the Wordless Bible have the Gold Bead last showing our final destination. But we like to start with heaven since it is such a wonderful place and it shall be our home for eternity……… if we can each become clean and pure according to the Lord’s standards. It is our goal to someday go to heaven when we are done on earth. And do you notice the Lord tells us those Gold Streets of Heaven are clear as glass? Even here on earth when gold is absolutely pure (no impurities or dirt in it) the gold is transparent. Yes, gold on earth is actually see-through like glass when there is nothing dirty in it! What we are used to seeing as gold color has impurities in it and so it is a solid color. The Lord is telling us the streets of heaven are so clean that there are no impurities in the gold of the streets. How can we be such a sinful and dirty people and expect the Lord to allow us in this condition to walk His absolutely pure gold streets up in heaven? Don’t you want to go to heaven and walk on those streets of gold???? We can! But how?
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Prayer Requests!
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus July 22-27 Montour De Long Fair, Washingtonville, PA, Doc Devoe

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