Prayer Guide and Devotional

1 Peter 2:10
who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.
When we come to Jesus it is such a wonderful transition. The Lord describes us as being just a collection of disorganized people who were out of or away from the Lord’s mercy. In other words we were very deserving of punishment due to our sins separating us from God and His righteousness (The perfect and sinless God). That punishment is not a minor thing. God is a God of Light so we would spend eternity in darkness. God is a God of Love and so we would spend eternity away from love and in a place of pure hatred. But when we come individually to God’s Son Jesus Christ and thank Him and accept Him for taking our punishment for us on the cross, at that very moment we are receiving God’s mercy! Jesus, not us, took the punishment for the sins WE committed and WE deserve to pay eternally for. By accepting Jesus we become God’s own people (part of God’s family) and have obtained His mercy. Wow! Doesn’t that make you all warm inside?? Pray that people all over the world will turn from their sinful ways (repent) and receive Jesus into their hearts and become part of God’s family (people of God) avoiding eternal punishment for the sins we committed (obtaining mercy)! Are you in the picture above as part of God’s family surrounding Jesus? Forward this email to a friend today!! Prayer Requests! Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus July 11-14 Two Cylinder Expo, Canandaigua, NY, Bill Brown Send prayer request to: |