Prayer Guide and Devotional

2 Corinthians 6:1
We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain.
As witnesses for Lord Jesus Christ, the Fellowship of Christian Farmers, International is very serious when it comes to sharing the awesome message of Jesus’ salvation. When we go to an event we want to have the nicest looking booth and want to be friendly and inviting to everyone. But the most important thing in the hearts of every FCFI witness, is that those the Lord has brought to us, understands how important and how serious this message is. We do not want the listener to think the message we are relaying is insignificant and not of importance. We realize we are just the voice and that the Holy Spirit is the one touching the heart. We work together with (or more realistically-under) God. We do not want those stopping and receiving the message who are still not members of God’s family to take this wonderful message in vain. Their eternal life depends on it! Pray for FCFI witnesses that every message we deliver is to open ears and open hearts and that those listening will realize their eternity is at stake and receive Lord Jesus into their hearts and lives! (Picture: FCFI witness Ernie Reese sharing the Gospel of Lord Jesus at the 2024 Virginia FFA State Convention. Ernie is always seen with his Bible open sharing directly from the Lord’s Word!) Farmer Crisis Center: Forward this email to a friend today!! Prayer Requests! Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus July 10-14 Texas State FFA Convention, Dallas, TX , Art Free Send prayer request to: |