Prayer Guide and Devotional – January 7, 2025

Isaiah 33:13

Hear, you who are afar off, what I have done;

And you who are near, acknowledge My might.

Here the Lord is telling us, even way back in those Old Testament times, that people all over the world would hear about God and how great He is. Yes, before the internet, television, radio, and even computers, those that were not right there and witnessing God’s marvelous deeds, would hear about it. Many that were not in the towns that Jesus was in during His ministry heard about what He was doing. The same way people today may hear about Jesus even though they are not close to Him. We who are close to Him need to acknowledge who He is and tell others about His greatness. When others ask us about Jesus are we not to be ready to acknowledge who He is and tell them the all the wonderful things about our Lord? Are we ready to tell those who are not with the Lord at this moment about our great God and His love for all the world and how His Son died on the cross to clean us all from our sins so we can have a right relationship with Him? For some people sharing their faith is the hardest thing to do; but it is not difficult to share who their favorite sport team is, what they received for Christmas, or other things that they hold dear. Like the lady in the picture, people who are far off from Jesus are listening to our words and watching our actions. Do they hear who Jesus is from those that know Him? Are God’s children sharing Jesus’ Salvation Message with all those we meet??
Lord, once I was far from you, but you loved me enough to draw me near. Please help me to share that gift from Lord Jesus with others with your power and might! Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ January 7-9 Keystone Farm Show York, PA Michael and Karen Steele

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