Prayer Guide and Devotional – January 30, 2025

Acts 26:14

And when we had all fallen to the ground, I heard a voice saying to me in the Hebrew dialect, ‘Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?

Paul was a tough dude for the Pharisees. He was going around rounding up any Christians he could find and throwing them into prison. Then, while walking the road to Damascus, a blinding light appears and he hears a voice in Hebrew (he heard the voice in his own language even though they were under Roman rule and it could have been the Roman language). Jesus asked Paul why he was persecuting Him. Paul must have thought I am not persecuting You and I don’t know who You are. Jesus identified Himself as the one being persecuted. That is a huge reminder to all of us. When we say or do anything to a brother or sister in the Lord, we are also saying or doing that to Lord Jesus. We are not acting just against that person, we are also acting against our own Savior. Let us all remember our tongues can be as swords. We can cut and insult people very easily. It can be hard not to lash back when something is said or done to us. So, call on the strength of Lord Jesus to restrain from hurting others and hurting Lord Jesus at the very same time.
Lord, I call on Your strength to help me act as You would toward everyone I come into contact with. I do not want to be hurtful to others in action or deed. Lord help me to relate in love and kindness not only with my Christian brothers and sisters, but to all people as is pleasing to You. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Please pray the Lord’s wisdom for those trying to make important decisions in their lives.

February 2025 FCFI Prayer Guide

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