Matthew 23:4
They crush people with unbearable religious demands and never lift a finger to ease the burden.
Back in Jesus time on earth the Jewish leaders, the Pharisees, would constantly create new rules and laws for the people to follow. They would saddle the people with these many laws and demand the people follow them ALL to the letter. All these Jewish laws were very, very burdensome on the people. Though the Pharisees would create these laws for the people, they did not push each other to closely follow them. And when they could see the people often struggling with these many laws, the Pharisees never tried to do anything to lift the burden of these rules that they placed on the people. Jesus saw all of this going on and He saw the people having miserable lives due to these laws. Jesus would often go face-to-face with the Pharisees about their horrible treatment of the common people. Jesus would confront them but the Pharisees would not change and try to help the people. They just got more mad at Jesus for siding with the people and challenging the Pharisees to rule the people as true men of God. They would never change to think of the people and instead started looking for ways of trapping Jesus and imprisoning Him. We know how the Lord loves people. We have heard Jesus teach on the Love of the Lord many times. Let us all live the life of true followers of Jesus and not adopt a “Pharisees” attitude. Do not be a person that burdens others unreasonably, but one that follows the commands of God. Lord, help me be more like You and not like the Pharisees. I want to help people to grow closer to You and to show Your love of them. I want to live the life of a true follower of You. Help my attitude to remain like Yours! Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!! Prayer Requests! Pray people of the world to live in harmony and peace with others. Beliefs may be different between people but pray there is acceptance of each other by all. January 1/26-1/31 FCFI Mission Trip Echo, Ft Meyers, FL, Ron and Deb Herrold Send prayer request to: mdjones11@att.net Visit the FCFI website! Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram |
FCFI | P.O. Box 15 | Lexington, IL 61753 US |