2 Corinthians 3:18
But we all, with unveiled faces, looking as in a mirror at the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as from the Lord, the Spirit.
The first thing we are told here by the Lord is that as children of the Lord, our faces are unveiled. Often, when a couple gets married, the bride has a veil over her head. The groom is not supposed to see the bride on their wedding day until they are married. The veil prevents the groom from seeing the bride’s face clearly. It does make the vision of the bride a little blocked but she can see enough to participate. Paul, right before this statement, reminds us how the Hebrews faces had a spiritual veil over them preventing them from seeing and accepting what Moses was telling them. By telling God’s children the veil is removed, He is telling everyone that as sons and daughters of the Lord, we are able to see and comprehend the truth of God as presented through Jesus Christ. Then He proceeds to tell us that, with no veil covering our eyes, we all can now see in our spiritual mirror that we live each day representing the Lord to the world. Yes, we look in the mirror and see ourselves, but when others look at us, they see and feel the presence of His Holy Spirit that resides in us. Yes, you have the Spirit of our Holy Father living within you! Next time you look in a mirror, look a little deeper and appreciate what the Lord has done in you and realize our words, our actions, and the presence of God in us all is the image of God the unsaved of the world are seeing!! Lord, thank You for removing the veil from my face that others may clearly see You, My Lord Jesus. Help me to live a life that all my words and actions are You and not me. I want to see clearly Your truths and understand it so that I may get closer to You. May others see the presence of God in me and want to come to You to know You and to trust You as their Savior and Lord. Thank You Jesus, Amen!! Prayer Requests! Pray people everywhere will use everyday circumstances to bring honor to God. Send prayer request to: mdjones11@att.net Visit the FCFI website! Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram |
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