Prayer Guide and Devotional – January 24, 2025

James 1:5

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

The wonderful thing about God is that He is always on duty. You will not find a “Closed” sign on His door or reach an answering machine at the end of a phone. He is on duty 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year. And one of His favorite things is communicating with His children. The Lord encourages everyone, when we need wisdom, we are to just call out to the Lord. He is always ready to help everyone and is great at giving wisdom out to those who ask for it. So when you need wisdom, call out to the Lord. Tell Him exactly what you need. Tell Him you need Godly wisdom to make the right decisions in such a difficult world. Use that awesome Godly wisdom to bless others as well. And the amazing thing is that the Lord wants us to come to Him. And so, He will never rebuke or turn us away. He will never ridicule a single person for wanting to improve their Godly decision making. The world is a tough nut to crack. We all need the Lord’s wisdom to ensure we make the decisions the way the Lord wants us to. Call out to the Lord now! Go ahead. He’s listening!!
Lord, I call out to You to please grant me wisdom to help me to make the best Godly decisions possible for myself and the people I met today. In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
Pray to be faithful even in the midst of tragedy.
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ January 24-26 New York Sportsman’s EXPO, Syracuse NY, Bill Brown

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