Prayer Guide and Devotional – January 18, 2025

Proverbs 18:17

You may think you have won

your case in court,

    until your opponent speaks.

When you give your side of a story, do as the Lord tells us to do and speak the truth. It may appear like all is good with your story. But the Lord reminds us, the other side will get the chance to speak and provide their view to the story as well. Don’t let yourself be caught in a lie. Speak the truth at all times. Even when it is hard to do so. It is better to tell the truth and deal with the consequences than to lie and be caught in that lie. There are times when telling the truth seams so much harder than creating a false story to keep from getting into trouble. The devil will encourage you to lie, even when you know the truth is the right way to go. The Lord knows when we are lying and will make sure we are dealt with, even when others are not aware we are lying. Yes, your story sounds good. But the other person will be allowed to tell their side of the story as well. Speak the truth at all times and let a clear conscious be your soft pillow at night. As you get closer to the Lord, it gets so much easier to speak the truth at all times. Jesus spoke the truth and it angered people. He did not turn from the truth because life would be hard. Jesus is the truth!! Develop a close relationship with your creator today. Get the strength of God and know He will honor your speaking the truth.
Lord, there are times in life when speaking the truth is so hard. But I know You will always be with me and speaking the truth is always the right thing to do. The devil will try to trip me up and will try to convince me the lie is better and safer than the truth. But I know You are truth and when I lie I will damage the great relationship I have with You. Give me Your strength, Lord, even in the face of adversity. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!!

Prayer Requests!
We pray to live in peace in submission to God.
Pray for FCFI witnesses sharing Jesus Christ January 18-19 Florida Manatee Festival, Crystal River, FLA, Bill Brown

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