Psalms 19:1-4
The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.
Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.
There is no speech nor language
Where their voice is not heard.
Their line has gone out through all the earth,
And their words to the end of the world.
This is a beautiful poem by King David regarding how big and how great God is. King David looks to the skies, whether day or night, and he sees the great work of the Lord’s hands. The day sky and the night sky speaks to everyone and shouts out just how great the Lord is. Nobody can look to the heavens right above us, day or night, and not realize just how amazing of a job the Lord has done by creating that vast expanse over the heads of the entire world. The Lord is His own architect. The sky and and all the earth was designed by Him. Through the sunshine, the clouds, the storms, day always comes about. There has never been an out-of-order sign hung from the skies because God’s creation has broken down. And those amazing starry nights. How they speak so loudly of distant worlds. The world looks to those amazing stars and wonders what lies out there beyond only the things we can touch. And it does not matter what language a person speaks, everyone can look to the skies and marvel at the Lord’s work. The day encourages work and play while the darkness of night encourages rest. And there is no place on this globe where the skies end. Look to the skies and try to understand your God. If God can create all that amazing expanse and continue to take care of every one of His creatures, how can anyone deny His existence. We know of a man whom understands from the vastness and power of this world that a “Greater One” exists. But he refuses to realize who this “Great One” is. Who is that Great one? It is Jesus! If you are struggling to find a way to share about Jesus and God, just point to the skies above, either day or night. Ask the one who denies, where did that come from? Who keeps that running?? Lord, everywhere I look, I can see Your hand at work. From the mountains, to the rivers, to the oceans, to the fish, to the birds, to the calm breezes, to the mighty storms. Evidence of Your mighty being is all around me. And yet, this God so big, my God so big, loves me so much! Please, hold me in Your mighty hand every day of my life. Help me to make a difference in the lives I meet each day and express Your mighty love to them as well. Thank You Lord! In Jesus name, Amen!! Prayer Requests! We pray to seek God’s direction in our lives as we meet obstacles in our daily journey. Send prayer request to: mdjones11@att.net Visit the FCFI website! Connect with us on Facebook or Instagram |
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